
    15 Cigar Storage Tips You Need to Know: Preserving Flavor and Quality

    Cigars, with their rich aromas and nuanced flavors, are a connoisseur’s delight. However, to truly savor the essence of a fine cigar, proper storage is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the art of cigar storage. City of London Cigars’ blog will cover everything from humidity levels to the role of a humidor, ensuring […]

    foundation cigars

    All You Need to Know About Foundation Cigars: A Comprehensive Guide

    Welcome to the enchanting world of Foundation Cigars, a realm where time-honored craftsmanship, passion, and a deep respect for tobacco converge to create an extraordinary smoking experience.  Foundation Cigars has been founded by Nicholas Melillo, a luminary in the cigar industry. Later on it has emerged as a beacon of quality, blending tradition with innovation. […]

    cigar case

    How to choose the ideal cigar case: A guide for cigar lovers?

    Choosing the perfect cigar case is essential for preserving the freshness and quality of your cigars, ensuring an enjoyable smoking experience. With a plethora of options available, it can be overwhelming. In this article, we’ll explore key factors to consider when selecting a cigar case. Material Cigar cases come in a range of materials, including […]

    st dupont

    Exploring the Legacy and Craftsmanship of Dupont Lighters

    Starting a lighter collection can be a fun and rewarding hobby. Lighters come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and cool designs. Collecting them can help you explore how people used to make fire and how styles have changed over time. Whether you love cigars, enjoy old stuff, or just like collecting cool things, a […]


    Cigarillos: What you need to know

    If you’re a cigarillo smoker, you might have wondered about the history of these small cigars. Here’s a brief look at how cigarillos became the popular smoking choice they are today. These tiny smokes have a rich heritage dating back to early tobacco use in America. Over time, they gained fame as a convenient and […]

    Whiskey Pairing: Elevate Your Tasting Experience with Perfect Combinations

    In the world of luxury, cigars and whisky make a classic and delightful pair. They offer unique flavors that, when combined correctly, enhance each other beautifully. It’s an art, not a science. Careful attention to the notes, tones, and flavours is key. Whether you’re new or an aficionado, welcome to the ultimate guide for cigar […]


    An Ultimate Guide to Use A Cigar Humidor 

    A cigar humidor is a special box that keeps cigars fresh and flavorful. Without one, your cigars could dry out, burn too fast, lose their rich flavours, and harm the quality of the tobacco. Imagine spending on a premium smoke only to have it lose its freshness. A humidor is a must-have investment if you […]

    Cigar Accessories

    A Perfect Guide to Cigar Accessories

    Exploring premium cigar smoking requires a few essential cigar accessories, just like any other hobby. Just as bikers need helmets, chefs use knives, and makeup artists have brushes, cigar enthusiasts have their tools and techniques to fully enjoy the experience. These accessories are crucial for enhancing the aroma and flavour of the smoke. Whether you’re […]

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