get to know us

City Of London Cigars is an exclusive cigar store in the heart of London, specializing in the finest cigars. We offer a wide range of premium and limited edition cigars along with cigar accessories.

Our store is chock-full of Havana wonders, hand-rolled delights, and tobacco treasures. At our joint, we take pride in being true aficionados, offering an authentic experience that’ll leave you amazed.


Our vision is to be a crossroad where British legacy meets the finest traditions of cigar craftsmanship, offering both the connoisseur and the curious an unmatched experience of luxury, camaraderie, and refinement.


We firmly believe that sustainable growth is built on a foundation of strong relationships, innovative strategies, and a keen understanding of market dynamics. Our mission is to identify untapped opportunities, forge strategic partnerships, and foster innovation to not only meet market demands but also to shape industry trends.

The EMS stamp guarantees that,
‣ Every box has come directly from Habanos S.A. in Cuba to Hunters & Frankau
‣ Every box has been shipped and stored by experts
‣ Every box has passed a UK quality check
‣ All UK duties have been paid
‣ Every box carries correct UK health warnings

The EMS stamp is also an important safeguard against counterfeit Havanas that occasionally find their way onto the world market.

About Us
All of our New World Cigar partners are family-run businesses that also practise fair compensation and gender equality.

Tor Imports are the leading UK importer and distributor for award-winning New World Hand-made Cigars from Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Honduras and Mexico.


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City Of London Cigars
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