Cuban Cigars
The cigar must be handcrafted in Cuba using only leaves that have been cultivated in one of the four primary tobacco-growing districts on the island in order to be referred to be a Habano (Havana cigar). It must also be created in accordance with the strict guidelines established by the Cuban cigar industry.
⦁ Popular Brands
⦁ Romeo Y Julieta
⦁ Montecristo
⦁ Cohiba
⦁ Boliver
⦁ Partagas
⦁ Punch
⦁ Hoyo de Monterrey
⦁ Cuaba
⦁ H. Upmann
⦁ Trinidad
⦁ Quintero
⦁ Juan Lopez
⦁ Vegueros
Other Hand-Made Cigars
The top of the global cigar market is dominated by a small segment of hand-made cigars. Most frequently, full-length leaves are used as the filler in them. These are referred to as hand-made, long-filler cigars. Chopped-up leaves are used as the filler in a small subset of hand-made cigars, which are referred to as short-filler cigars. Although both varieties are frequently referred to as Premium Cigars, the long-filler, hand-made style of manufacturing is typically thought to yield the finest cigars.
There are various nations that produce long-filler, hand-rolled cigars, although Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua are the most common. Nevertheless, just because a cigar is made in a certain nation, it does not imply.
⦁ LA Invicta Honduras
⦁ LA Invicta Nicaragua
⦁ Vega Fina
⦁ Joya de Nicaragua
⦁ Rocky Patel
⦁ Casa Turrent
⦁ Black Bird cigars
⦁ Charatan
⦁ La Rica
⦁ Gurkha
⦁ Quorum
Machine Made Cigars
Most cigars consumed worldwide are mass-produced using machines in relatively modest sizes due to economic concerns. Cigarillos are the tiniest (weighing less than 3 grammes) and most prevalent of these. The leaves used to make the filler for machine-made cigars are cut into small bits and mixed before to use. This type of tobacco is called “short-filler.”
To create a consistent blend and avoid being overly dependent on supplies from one specific source, most cigars created by machines employ tobacco from several different nations.
Machine-Made Cigars Are As Follows
⦁ Toscano
⦁ Cuban minis
⦁ Cusano
⦁ J Cortes
⦁ Royal Dutch
⦁ Hamlets
⦁ Henri Winterman
⦁ Villiger
⦁ Backwoods
⦁ Guantanamera
⦁ Signature (Café crème)
Rolling Tobacco
Roll Your own cigarette (RYO) and conventional cigarettes differ from one another in a few significant ways. Due to the absence of a filter in RYO cigarettes, smokers tend to inhale more tar and nicotine.
The following refers to the popular rolling tobacco collection
⦁ American spirit yellow
⦁ American spirit blue
⦁ Pueblo
⦁ Drum
⦁ Golden Virginia yellow
⦁ Golden virginia original
⦁ Holborn yellow
⦁ Amber leaf
⦁ Gold leaf JPS
⦁ Riverstone
⦁ Sterling tobacco
⦁ Players JPS
⦁ Cutter’s choice
⦁ Pall mall
Pipe Tobacco
For use in smoking pipes, pipe tobacco is produced, and at City of London cigar, we have a variety of styles, cuts, and brands available. When it comes to pipe smoking, the cut or style of tobacco has a significant impact on how the pipe can be packed.
The following refers to the list of pipe tobacco
⦁ Capstan
⦁ Peterson University Flake
⦁ Peterson Old Dublin
⦁ BBB Pipe tobacco
⦁ Sioux AF Pipe tobacco
⦁ Kendal pipe tobacco
Tobacco/Nictone pouches
⦁ Siberia
⦁ White fox
⦁ Nordic spirit
⦁ Velo
⦁ Pure nicotine
Cigar Accessories
Cigar accessories play a vital role in storage, preservation and usage of an ideal cigar smoking. The city of London cigar has a wide variety of world class accessories and gadgets.
⦁ Ash Trays
⦁ Pipes
⦁ Cigar pouches
⦁ Single blade cutters
⦁ Double blade cutters
⦁ Oval ended stainless steel cutters
⦁ Round ended stainless steel cutters
⦁ 31mm over-sized cutter
⦁ V-cutters
⦁ Punch cutters
⦁ Travel Humidor
⦁ Humidors
⦁ Single jet lighter
⦁ Dual jet lighter
⦁ Triple jet lighter
⦁ Four jet lighters
⦁ Aluminum Cigar tubes
⦁ Plastic cigar tubes
⦁ Humidity pouches
⦁ Boveda pouches (62%)
⦁ Boveda pouches (65%)
⦁ Boveda pouches (70%)
⦁ Greeting card
⦁ Cigar holding glass
⦁ Fancy pouches
⦁ Cigar long matches
⦁ Zippo lighters
⦁ Gift sets